French Introduction Phrases

Introduction Phrases


French Introduction Phrases

Finding hard to introduce yourself in French? Or need to understand how to ask questions in French to know someone better? French introduction phrases will provide you with the confidence to leave a huge impact on people who know French. The given basic French introduction phrases will not only tell you the proper way to interact but also provides a jerk to your language which will make your learning journey easy and smooth.

French ways of meeting people

Like every country, even France has its way of greeting people. As an instance, if your meeting is official or you are meeting a stranger then the French prefer to Shake hands. But while meeting a family member or a friend then they would kiss on the cheek and in French, we call it ‘Faire la baise’. However, French people hug only close friends and family members.

Formal and Informal Language

You can always start your conversation by saying Bonjour. In French its always formal and informal language. If a phrase has Vous(You)/Votre(Your) then its a formal sentence and even plural form is in the same construction however, Tu(You)Ton(Your)Ta(Your) is the informal and singular form sentence.
There is also Feminine and Masculine forms in the language. In list of below French introduction phrases you will find few phrases have an extra ‘e’ given in the bracket and that is the construction for woman being asked a question or giving replies to it. Rest are same for man and woman. We will study later about Feminine and Masculine constructions.

French Phrases

English Translation


Reply Translation

Comment vous appelez-vous ?What is your name Je m’appelle Julia.My name is Julia.
Tu t’appelles Comment ?What is your name Je m’appelle Joseph.My name is Joseph.
Enchanté ( e)Nice to meet you Enchanté ( e)Nice to meet you.
Quelle est votre nationalité ?What is your nationality? Je suis Indien(ne).I am an Indian.
Quelle est ta nationalité ? What is your nationality? Je suis Français( e).I am a French.
Où habitez-vous ?Where do you live? J’habite à Paris.I live in Paris.
D’où venez-vous ?Where are you from? Je viens de Paris.I am from Paris.
D’où viens-tu ?Where are you from? Je habite à Chicago.I live in Chiago.
Parlez-vous français ?Do you speak French? Oui, Je parle français.Yes, I speak French.
Parlez-vous anglais ? Do you speak English? Non, je ne parle pas anglais.No, I don’t speak English
Est ce que tu-parles français?Do you speak French? Oui, Je parle français. Yes, I speak French.
Quel âge avez-vous ?What is your age? J’ai 27 ans.I am 27 years old.
Quel âge as-tu ?What is your age? J’ai 27 ans.I am 27 years old.
Quel est votre passe-temps favori ?What is your favourite hobby? J’aime écouter de la musique.I like listening to music.
Quel est ton passe-temps préféré(e)?What is your favourite hobby? Un de mes passe-temps est la lecture.My favourite hobby is reading.
Quelle est votre matière préférée ?What is your favourite subject? Ma matière préférée est l’anglais.My favourite subject is English.
Quelle est ta matière préférée ?What is your favourite subject? Ma matière préférée est l’anglais.My favourite subject is English.
Quelle est votre date de naissance ?What is your date of birth? Je suis né le 24 août 1997.I am born on 24 August 1997.
Quelle est ta date de naissance ?What is your date of birth? Je suis née le 24 août 1997. (Feminine Reply)My date of birth is 24 August 1997.
Quelle est votre profession ?(e).What is your profession? Je suis docteur/médecin.I am a doctor.
Quelle est ta profession ?What is your profession? Je suis peintre.I am a painter.
Où Travaillez-vous ?Where do you work? Je travaille chez Samsung.I work with Samsung.
Ce n’est pas grave.What is your qualification? J’ai fait ma licence en science.I did my gradutaion in science
J’ai oublié.What is your qualification? Je suis ingénieur.I am an engineer.
Quelle est votre cuisine préférée ?What is your favourite cuisine? J’aime le poulet.I love chicken.
Quelle est ta cuisine préférée ?What is your favourite cuisine? J’aime le poisson.I love fish.

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