Helpful 40 French Phrases for Travelers

French Phrases for Travelers

French Phrases for travelers

40 Phrases Pour Les Voyageurs

French Phrases for Travelers

Want to travel to France?
Thinking, whether it would be difficult to travel to France as you don’t know the French Language?
Would you be able to understand the road signs, signs in hotels and other basic signs which you get to see while travelling?
Well, I must tell you that France is a beautiful country. You will for sure love your travel to France. But do you want to make your travel more fun and interesting?
Adding a little French Language or rather very basic knowledge of the language can make a huge difference to your travel experience.
The way you are comfortable speaking your own Language similarly French are comfortable speaking and understanding their own mother tongue. Now I am sure that to ask for help you would like to talk in English. But would French understand your accent? Would locals be able to interact with you? My point is not to scare you but rather to update you that the way it’s difficult for you to understand them it is difficult for them to understand you too. Thus, knowing few basic words can make your interaction happier and easier with locals. It will also add to a positive travel experience to yours list.
Now if you are thinking that you need to take classes to learn the language, you must put lot of effort to learn the language and need to spend lot of time. Than I must tell you that you don’t have to.
Have little time before travelling? Read the French phrases for travelers given in the section below. You don’t need to master the language but need to learn with accent the few French phrases for travelers. Familiarize yourself with the tones and sounds of French by listening to other common and Basic French Phrases in the phrases section, especially French Basic Phrases.
Find the list of few phrases which are must to know if travelling to France. I have attached the audio file along with it so that you even know how to speak those words correctly. 

French Phrases for Travelers 

French Phrases
English Phrases
Bonjour Hi/Hello – Whenever you need to ask anything start your conversation by saying Bonjour. 
S’il vous plaît Please – Always add s’il vous plait to your phrases. It will make them polite.
Oui Yes
Non No – It’s simply the way it’s written.
Parlez-vous anglais? Do you speak English? – Instead of asking the question directly in English its good you ask in French whether the person knows English or Not? Then the reply in Oui or Non will clear whether that person will be of help or not.
Je ne parle pas français? I don’t speak French – Now you don’t know French so you can tell them that you can’t speak French.
Où se trouve l’arrêt de bus/train Where is the bus stop or metro station or railway station
Où se trouve la station métroWhere is the metro station?
Où est l’hôtel Where is hotel – Do note down the name of your hotel. If you can’t pronounce then you can at least show someone and ask where the hotel is.
Où est la plage Where is the beach?
Où est l’ aéroport Where is the airport?
Est-ce que vous pourriez prendre notre/ma photo, s’il vous plaît? Could you please take my/our picture, please?
Est-ce que vous acceptez les cartes étrangères? Do you accept foreign (credit) cards?
Où-sont les toilettes? Where are the toilets?
Excusez-moi Excuse me – To get someone’s attention you can say Excusez-moi. 
Pardon Sorry/Excuse me – It can be used in various way. For example: Maybe you bumped into someone by mistake. Then in order to say sorry you can say “Pardon”. If you talking to someone and want him or her to repeat, then you can use the same word ‘Pardon’ 
Je ne comprends pas I don’t understand you/ I didn’t get you – If you really didn’t understand the other person you can use this phrase to tell him that you not getting what he is saying.
Je voudrais acheter un billet I would like to buy a ticket. So, when you are at a station ticket counter which is ‘Guichet’ then you need to tell them that what kind of ticket you want to buy. 
Un billet aller simple one way ticket.
Un billet aller retour Return ticket/a round trip ticket.
C’est combien/ Combien ça coûte  How much does it cost? – Shopping is a must day which is always a part of our travelling plan. And its good to ask about the price because France isn’t the cheapest country to shop.
La carte/Le menu s’il vous plaît A menu, please.
L’addition s’il vous plaît The bill, please.
C’est à gauche It’ to the left – When somebody tells you about the direction or it’s written on a sign board then that means you need to take a ‘Left’.
C’est à droite It’s to the right. 
C’est tout droit Its straight ahead.
C’est loin It’s far
C’est proche It’s near 
Je voudrais commander/Nous voudrions commanderI would like to order/We would like to order.
J’ai besoin d’aide I need help. If there is an emergency or you need help. You can use this phrase.
Merci beaucoupThank you very much. – You know when to use it
À quelle heure faut-il arriver? At what time it should arrive?
Le climatiseur ne marche pasAir conditioner isn’t working
Je voudrais annuler ma réservationI would like to cancel my reservation
À quelle heure est-ce qu’il faut régler la note? What is the checkout timing?
Où-sont les magasins? Where are the shops?
Je cherche un sac I am looking for a bag.
Je voudrais un café s’il vous plaîtI want a coffee, please.
Je voudrais un verre I want a glass (Usually a glass of beer)
Je voudrais de l’eauI would like some water.
Je voudrais une chambre pour deux I would like a room for two.
Au revoir – ByeBye.
Où est un bon restaurant Where is a good restaurant?

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