Months and Weekdays in French

French Months & Weekdays

French Months weekdays
If you have landed on to this page it means you want to know how to read and write the days and months in French. Therefore in this part of the blog, we will study about French months & weekdays. If you are thinking it difficult then let me tell you it’s not. Till the time we don’t practice, it’s difficult and remember, only practice makes the man perfect.
Below in this blog, you will find the audio file for the right pronunciation and simultaneously your vocabulary about French calendar will enhance.

French Months/Les mois

English Months
French Months
January Janvier
Feburary Février
March Mars
April Avril
May Mai
June Juin
Julyt Juillet
August Août
September Septembre
October Octobre
November Novembre
December Décembre
My tips to learn and remember the French calendar.

Switch your phone language to French. Yes, you read it correctly. I’m sure you all must be using smartphones, therefore, its time to switch your mobile language into French and start using French calendar. You can use French calendar to book your appointments, meetings, parties and lot more.
You can participate in many quizzes. These days we have many apps available to play quizzes. Check the best one, download and practice.

French Weekdays/Les jours de la semaine

English Weekdays
French Weekdays
Monday lundi
Tuesday mardi
Wednesday mercredi
Thursday jeudi
Friday vendredi
Saturday samedi
Sunday dimache

French Months & Weekdays Vocabulary

English Words
French Translation
a day Un jour
a month Un mois
a  week Une semaine
the weekend le week-end
an year un ans
weekly hebdomadaire
bi-weekly bihebdomadaire
fortnight quinze jours

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