French Condolence Phrases and Get Well Soon Phrases

French Condolence & Get Well Soon Phrases

I still remember, when I was young, my mother had attended several funeral ceremonies (les cérémonies funéraires)​. She conveyed her condolence to friends (les amis) and family (la famille) in their difficult times. And still, do the same.

She says that our friends and family need us more in their hard times (les temps difficiles)​ than any other regular day.

Now, I have grown up and have seen many friends & their family suffer through stressful times. I feel like talking to my friends and sharing their worries and concerns but don’t get the right word to do so. It makes me little nervous and feels uneasy. Though I still try to comfort my friends in their hard times. 

Once I discussed with my mother to understand how to begin conversing with people in their hard times, she told me there is no exact word to give comfort to people. It’s us being with them make them feel better. So even if you don’t know what to say at least be with them to show your care and concern. However, she did tell me a few random phrases to express my grief and sympathy with people in their hard times.

French condolence & get well soon phrases

Here in this blog, I have shared condolence phrases in French as I know we find it more challenging when we have to empathize with friends from different languages. The list has formal and traditional phrases to be used for written and verbal communication.

French condolence and Get well soon phrases can help you start conversing with friends in their hard times.

Formal French Condolence Phrases


French Translation

English Translation

Je vous prie de bien vouloir accepter mes sincères condoléances

Please accept my sincere condolences.

Nous vous prions d’accepter nos sincères condoléances.

Please accept our most sincere sympathy.

En ces moments difficiles, je vous présente mes sincères condoléances.

In this difficult time please accet my sincere condolence.

Prenant part à votre douleur, je présente mes sincères condoléances à vous et à votre famille.

Taking part in your grief, I offer you my sincere condolence to you and your family.

Je vous adresse mes condoléances.

Please accept my condolences.

 Verbal French Empathizing Phrases


French Phrases

English Translation

Je suis de tout cœur avec vous.

I am with you with all my heart.

Je suis de tout cœur avec toi.

I am with you with all my heart.

Je suis vraiment désolé pour la perte de votre mère.

I am sorry on the loss of your mother.

Je suis désolé pour votre perte.

I am sorry for your loss.

Je suis vraiment désolé pour ta perte.

I am really sorry for your loss.

Je suis sincèrement désolé de l’apprendre

I am sincerely sorry to learn it.

Je suis vraiment navré de l’apprendre.

I am really sorry to learn it.

Je suis sous le choc de l’apprendre.

I am shock to learn it.

condolence & get well soon phrases

Now, if you are looking for phrases to extend your speedy recovery wishes to a friend who has fallen sick or met with an accident then you can benefit from the given below get well soon phrases.

French Get Well Soon Phrases


French Phrases

English Translation

Nous espérons que tu seras sur pieds d’ici peu.

We hope that you will be up on your feet soon.

Meilleurs vœux de prompt rétablissement.

Wish you speedy recovery.

Nous vous souhaitons un prompt rétablissement.

We wish you speedy recovery.

Je vous souhaite un prompt rétablissement.

I wish you speedy recovery.

Je suis désolé pour ta maladie. (Informal)

I am sorry about your sickness.

Je suis désolé pour votre maladie. (Formal)

I am sorry about your sickness.

Soigne-toi bien.

Take care of yourself

Soignez-vous bien.

Take care of yourself

condolence & get well soon phrases

When Someone Sneezes

When someone sneezes we say ‘God bless you’. The exact translation of God Bless you is ‘ Dieu te bénisse/Dieu vous bénisse’ but French doesn’t prefer to say this.

Do you wanna know what French people say when someone sneezes? Find what expression a French use to say bless you.

French Phrases

English Translation

A tes souhaits !

To your wishes!

A tes amours !

To your loves!

A ta santé !

Wish you good heath!

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