French Greetings for all Occasions

Celebration and General Wishes

French Greetings for all Occasions
Is it your friend’s Birthday? Or someone has done a really good job in your office and wanna pat his/her back but don’t know how to say it French? French greetings for all occasions will let you know how to wish someone on special occasions, general wishes, anniversaries and lot more.
French greetings for all occasions will let you know about all the common phrases to greet people which are formal and informal, however choice is yours. French are very particular about Formal(Vous) language so before you use ‘Tu’ make sure they are comfortable you being ‘Tutoyer’.

Seasonal and General Wishes

The way we express our wishes in English similarly we do in French its just the right words are needed. While reading the phrases of different categories you can find duplicate phrases, reason is obvious that the warm wishes can be extended in same form for any special and general day. For an instance ‘My best wishes are with you – Je vous souhaite mes meilleurs voeux’. This is the general phrases which we use mostly to extend our wishes.
This article of French greetings of all occasions will not only cover all seasonal and general wishes in French but will also teach you what exactly you need to say to wish someone on their special day. At the same time you will also learn how to express in French on an unfortunate situation like sickness or death in a family. Therefore let’s start with Birthday wishes and General wishes following by different links for many other seasonal and general greetings at the end.

French Birthday Wishes

I’m sure you must be excited to wish your friends and Teachers on their special day and that too in French. So don’t wait anymore learn how to wish ‘Happy Birthday’ in French.

French Phrases

English Translation

Joyeux anniversaire !Happy Birthday!
Bon anniversaire !Happy Birthday!
Je te souhaite tout plein de bonheur !I wish you all happiess!
Je vous souhaite tout plein de bonheur !I wish you all happiess!
je vous souhaite tout plein de bonheur en votre journée spéciale !I wish you all happiness on this special day of yours!
je te souhaite tout plein de bonheur en ta journée particulière !I wish you all happiness on this special day of yours!
Joyeux anniversaire et profite bien de ta journée !Happy Birthday and enjoy your day!
Passe une merveilleuse journée !Have a marvellous Birthday!
Passez une merveilleuse journée !Have a marvellous Birthday!
Que tous tes vœux se réalisent !May all your wishes come true!
Que tous vos vœux se réalisent !May all your wishes come true!

General Wishes

In our daily life many time it comes when we have to appreciate someone, to wish luck, to wish safe journey or its a father’s day, teacher’s day and lot more. Frenchuclasses will teach you about all general and particular wishes.

French Phrases

English Translation

Joyeuse fête des enseignants !Happy Teacher’s Day!
Bonne fête des enseignants !Happy Teacher’s Day!
Joyeuse fête des professeurs !Happy Teacher’s Day!
Bonne fête des professeurs !Happy Teacher’s Day!
Joyeuse fête des mères !Happy Mother’s Day!
Bonne fête des mères !Happy Mother’s Day!
Joyeuse fête des pères !Happy Father’s Day!
Bonne fête des pères !Happy Father’s Day!
Félicitations pour la naissance de votre petit garçon / petite fille !Congratulation for baby boy or baby girl!
Félicitations pour la nouvelle arrivée dans votre famille !Congratulations on the new arrival in your family!
Bonne Chance !Good luck!
Bon Courage !Good luck!
Félicitation !Congratulations!
Bon voyage !Happy Journey!
Bien joué !Well Done!
Bon travail !Good Work!
A votre santé !To your health/ Cheers!
Que Dieu vous bénisse !May God bless you!
Passe une merveilleuse journée !Have a wonderful day!
Bonne Journée !Have a good day!
Je te souhaite tout plein de bonheur !I wish you all happiess!
Que tous tes voeux se réalisent !May all your wishes come true!

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